fredag 27 september 2013

Revise your letter + exit ticket

1. Correct your letter according to my comments. A ? means that you need to change something.
2. In the blog there is a document called Check Your Writing. Use that step by step and revise your letter.

This means that two peers should read through your letter before you hand it in to me.

3. Share your letter in Google Drive with 2 peers. One at a time and improve the letter together. The purpose of correcting together is that you should help your classmate get better. You can speak Swedish and discuss the changes.
4. The person who is your coach should sign his name below the letter.
Read by Pernilla

5. Write an Exit ticket (always in Swedish). Answer these questions:
Hur har du förbättrat din text?
Vad har du lärt dig?
Vad behöver du hjälp med för att bli ännu bättre i engelska?

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